Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Don't Forget to Vote

I wanted to remind everyone who doesn't live in one of the states that already held a presidential primary or caucus, to vote! As implied in our blog's title, we live in Colorado, and like over 20 other states, our caucus takes place February 5. If you also live in our great state, please take a moment to figure out how to caucus. It's a rather baroque process, and not as straightforward as a primary - as we found out, having moved from Florida.

You can find out here the location of your caucus (yes, the link is through Barack Obama's site - we are unabashed supporters of Obama - but I would emphasize that we would rather you vote, even if it's for someone else, than not vote at all!).

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

green is the new black

Today our first BioBags order came in the mail! In my constant struggle to be more green I'm trying to eliminate the number of plastic bags that go to the landfill. Though I recycle most of our plastic shopping bags, we still have our kitchen bags, our kitty-poop bags and our waste basket bags which all get thrown into the weekly trash. The new BioBags are a unique vegetable makeup which completely bio-degrades into the earth. The bright green color is a bit different than the traditional white, but the end result is one step closer to a healthy planet.
What step did you take today to be more green?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

obama rama

After Bush's reelection in 2004 I lost confidence in the voters. How could any person make a conscience choice to keep that administration in office? But on Thursday, when Barack swept the Iowa caucus, that confidence returned. For the first time in years the people are speaking out. They want their country back. Frank Rich of the New York Times echoed my feelings exactly in his recent column, when he said, "AFTER so many years of fear and loathing, we had almost forgotten what it’s like to feel good about our country. On Thursday night, that long-dormant emotion came rushing back, like an old dream that pops out of the deepest recesses of memory, suddenly as clear as light."
Barack's victory speech had me in tears. Tears of joy, hope and the extraordinary feeling that history is being made. This man will lead our country the way it should be led. His genuineness, strength and ability to unite are what Americans deserve after seven years of Bush and we shouldn't demand anything less.
Go Barack!