Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's the World Series! In Denver! Oh My!

Awesome - it's exhilarating to see everyone in the city decked out in Rockies colors and to hear everyone in the streets, bus stops, cafes, and offices all over downtown talking about our baseball team. The Rockies have accomplished nothing short of a miracle, and I don't think it could have happened to an athletic club with more heart and more character.

Lots of people are complaining about the "bandwagon joiners" coming out of the woodworks as a result of the Rockies' success. I welcome the bandwagon with open arms. If this winning streak (22 out of 23 games at the time of this writing), and possibly a World Series championship, sparks an interest in baseball in this city, then all the better. If this year's success creates new fans to fill the Rockpile in Coors Field and the barstools of Lodo's drinking establishments next year, then tallyho!

My only gripe is with the ridiculously underpowered online process of purchasing tickets for the Series in Coors Field, which resulted in success for only a small fraction of fans - not including us :(. Since non-season ticket-holders could only buy tickets online, the ticket-selling site was swamped on Monday, causing an official claim (bogus in my opinion) that malicious hackers brought it down. When ticket sales resumed today, we were greeted by constant waits, site-disconnected errors, and no tickets.

I have the feeling that the people who benefited most from this online-only sale were professional ticket scalpers, those with sniping software looking to make a quick buck, and the nationwide horde of well-heeled, travel-ready Red Sox fans. Ah well, we'll be cheering from the comfort and warmth of our neighborhood tavern. Go Rockies!

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