Monday, December 31, 2007

types of coloradoans - part 1

After living in Colorado for a year I've noticed a few unique types of beings. Though stereotyping can be dangerous, as humans it's only natural that we place people we encounter into little cubby holes in our mind. It helps us to understand people so we can move on to other details. For example, in Florida some types of people that may stand out are NASCAR dads, Miami Jews, New England retirees and beach bums. This is the beginning of a series about types of Coloradans I've come to recognize.

Ski dads - I think I've mentioned these guys before. They are definitely one of the first kinds of individuals I've come to know. When sitting by them on the lift, these fathers talk up their 7-year-old son as the most talented skier who is on his way to be the next Ted Ligety. And once this son takes the gold medal in skiing he'll move on to take an Olympic medal in snowboarding. As they're saying this, they'll turn to their son and say, "Isn't that right Dillon. You're a winner." Then going down the mountain you'll hear Daddy dearest berating his son for bad form on the moguls and explaining that crying is for wimps. Once settled into the bar at the bottom of the mountain the father will tell his son that he has ruined his entire day with his pouting. Class-act jerk dad - and they're all over the mountain!

1 comment:

Tom Kelly said...

What a 'spot on' analysis! This is a problem in many sports, including skiing.