Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Puerto Rico has better radio stations

As Drake notes we recently returned from our trip to Puerto Rico! It was a wonderful time as we explored San Juan, visited the Camuy Caves, trekked up the El Yunque rain forest, and made our way over to the island of Vieques where we drank fruity drinks and soaked up some rays for the remainder of the trip.
Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the U.S. but it is very much an entirely different culture. This was most apparent our first morning on Vieques. See, cockfighting is a popular sport in P.R. and every house in Vieques had a coop for their prize rooster. Most of us have experienced waking up to a rooster crowing but imagine waking up to hundreds of them competing for the alpha crow. It's absolutely frightening and after closing the window and putting earplugs in we determined the only way to sleep was to drown them out with the hum of the AC unit.
Another popular island animal is the horse. Horses run free on Vieques. The ones that end up domesticated serve as transportation for the locals. Imgaine the common teenage boy with baggy pants, gold chains, a wife beater on, and his cap tilted. Now imagine that same boy jumping bareback onto a horse, riding it with a group of friends to the local tavern, and tying it up as he goes inside for beer. Talk about low carbon emissions!
Oh, and did I mention that roadkill comes in the form of iguanas?
It was a wonderful trip and most importantly we had some quality time with our dear, northwestern friends Paul and Marilyn.

1 comment:

Kristian Serrano said...

Glad you guys enjoyed Puerto Rico. These posts and photos have brought back a lot of memories of when I used to visit there every summer as a kid.