Sunday, February 24, 2008

types of coloradoans - part 2

Boulder women - These women are very intriguing to me. They are wealthy and hippie at the same time. True Bobos. Like, I'm pretty sure these women compost their human waste; yet, you'll see them shopping on the Pearl Street Mall at the chic boutiques, wearing expensive, designers clothes which fall over their freely, sagging breasts. No bra, unshaven bodies, and no makeup, yet still an air of class to them. It's a way of life in Boulder. In fact, I think keeping up with the Jones means who can live the greenest life.

Boulder men - The counterpart to Boulder women. Strolling through the Pearl Street Mall, ever block or so, you'll come across a crazy-looking, middle-aged, homeless man. Yet these men, with their over-grown beards and manes, ashkenazi noses with spectacles atop, shirts disheveled on their torsos, are wearing expensive, clean shoes. In fact, all their clothes have been carefully picked from store racks. They also seem to be carrying leather-bound journals and look as if they're on their way to sip espresso. I have yet to determine if they are the husbands of the Prada-wearing, hippie women.


Unknown said...

The more stereotypical hippies from Boulder have moved to the suburbs, leaving the types you described. You're more likely to find them Lafayette or Erie nowadays. (Or nederland, of course.)

But is the boulder trend really so surprising? The environmental side of that philosophy has grown into the mainstream. It is trendy, so it goes right alongside the more superficial shopping, etc. I mean, seriously - you and I reside in the corporate world, yet talk about vegetarianism and organic produce deliveries... how counter-culture can it really be anymore?

Julia said...

Ah, this is true we talk one way an live another. My comments were meant to be observant but may have left the impression of scrutiny. The novelty of Coloradoan-types is wearing off but still are very different than the categories I knew in Florida.
The trend of moving toward environmentalism can only be positive.