Sunday, August 24, 2008

When in Denver, do as the Dems do.

There's no way to avoid it - the DNC has rolled in and Denver is hopping! Over the past month it's been exciting to watch downtown prep for the convention. Since Friday the energy has doubled around town. Even our neighborhood, which if four miles away, has had a surge of police and traffic. Tomorrow we'll go to work downtown, me in the tallest building in Denver and Drake a couple blocks away, and will finally experience what has been whispered through the streets these last couple weeks. Major roads are shut down, protester parades will run all day, police will be on every corner, visitors fill every square foot, and the sleeping dragon barricades which are apt to cause the most disruption to traffic, are all part of the agenda. As everyone else here, I wish mostly for safety this week (and some kickass Democratic history!)

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