Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Photos

I uploaded new photos to my album for January, February, and March. Warning: I am definitely not one of those fancy-pants, SLR toting photographers. All my pictures are taken from a cell phone, in an undeniably unskillful manner, with sketchy lighting and shaky focusing; however I found I always have a phone on me, whereas I almost never carry my digital camera. So, some pictures are better than none, I reckon.

Over the last few months we've experienced a lot in Denver about which we've been remiss in blogging, but perhaps we can let pictures be worth their purported 1000 words; notably we experienced our first book signing with the author of one of our favorite novels, Lamb; went on a brewery tour at the company that makes Fat Tire, one of our favorite beers; met family, both new and familiar, at Julia's grandmother's funeral in Maryland; and pretended to be DJs for a night.

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